Sunday, January 30, 2011

PI means Passive Income

With the upcoming threat of Hulkagedon I was looking for an alternate source of income.

So I decided to do some Planetary Interactions. This is an activity with very little time requirements once your planets are properly setup.
I haven't crunched all the numbers yet and it might take a while before it pays for itself but I found that each Alt pilot can generate at least 3 millions ISK in about 15 minutes a day.

Here is my own method after ironing out some minor logistics problems.

Starting with the Newest Recruit Minou Delaplante:

The first problem for a young pilot is to be able to fly an Industrial ship. The PI Command Centres are large structures at 1000m3 each.
So train to fly one if you haven't done so before (or do the Industrial Career Tutorial as you should have from the beginning)

Acquire the necessary Skillbooks and make an EVEMon training Plan for PI.

You will need Science III as a prerequisite to learn Remote Sensing I.

Then Command Centre Upgrade to at least level IV.
Although you can start with a small production chain, it soon becomes evident that you will need to upgrade your Command Centre to get the required energy.

At this point you can develop your first planet. Then you will need to train Interplanetary Consolidation to be able to install Command Centres on other planets.
Up to 6 possible planets but you probably want to stop at level IV and train a second Alt Pilot before that.

Start the training as soon as possible and then get some pen and paper and study some production chains.
I am going for the Single Planet T2 Production to avoid too much transporting of raw commodities.

Let's look at an example for a Barren Planet - The most common type. Although you could find planets in different systems to maximize production, I found it easier to develop them all in the same system.
Make a Bookmark of your base station.
Then get all the planets in the overview sorted by name and Bookmark each of them.
You can then do a quick scan of each Planet and rename their Bookmarks. I just edit the name such as "PlanetName - (Type)"

Now go to the first Barren Planet and view it in PI mode. For this example we will setup a Biocell production.
Scan for raw materials and find a spot between the required deposits. (Carbon Compounds and Noble Metal in this case)

Place your Command Center half way between the sweet spots to minimize Links length. And remember to Submit after each building.

Next to it also build a Storage Facility then Link them.
On one side Build a Basic Processing Plant and link to storage.
Near the Sweet Spot build an Extractor and set it up to extract Noble Metals. Set the Program to 1 Day and 2 or 3 hours. (so you only need to update about once a day and never miss production)

Make a route for the Noble metal to the Factory. Set the Factory Schematics to produce Precious metals and make a Route to the Storage.

Repeat this process on the other side with Carbon Compound Extractors and a Biofuel factory.

Assuming that you can upgrade your Command Centre you may now build an Advanced Factory to Produce Biocells. Link and Route it From Storage and To the Command Centre.
Double check all the routes for all the commodities and make sure they flow well right up to the finished product.

Edit the Bookmark to read "PlanetName (barren) T2 Biocells" for future reference.
Dock to your base station and come back tomorrow to collect the Goods.
Biocells sell at about 4600 ISK each and you can produce about 100 per day. ie. 460,000 ISK of passive income.
Some T2 Products sell for a lot more than Biocells. Do your Market Research.
Repeat that for 6 Planets and collect 2.76 millions.
With 2 accounts you can run 6 PI pilots and generate at least 500 millions a month spending no more than an Hour a day.
If you need more Income you can still do your Mining, manufacturing, trading, missions, salvaging, etc...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hardin meets Bartle in EVE Online

For over 20 years (Bartle 1990) it has been known that there are 4 types of players in any MMO and EVE Online is no different.
There are four main types of things that people enjoy doing in an online game and each reflects a different type of player.

Achievements - These can be killmails, accumulating a set number of millions of ISK, visiting every special sites, doing a Grand Tour of the Galaxy, etc..

Exploration - People like to find new things, find out where that Wormhole goes to, fly alone in nullsec, but also explore different skills combinations, discover new modules, etc..

Socialising - Self explanatory. Just look at the number of people in the help chat or E-UNI.

Imposition - Griefing, ganking, piration and pvp are popular activities.

A Graph can be constructed linking these types of players (in diagonals) and the type of game objective the company (like CCP) provides.

                  Killers            |                  Achievers
          PLAYERS -------------------+------------------- WORLD
                  Socialisers        |                  Explorers

Making changes in the game rules and systems will push the system towards one or the other and favour these players more.
For example adding more interaction will please the Socialisers and Explorers but will attract the ire of the killers and achievers.

For a more complete explanation please read:


This is an old paper and the reference to MUD can easilly be replaced by the more modern term of MMO.
Towards the end Bartle argues that increasing or decreasing the number of one type of player has an effect of the total population. This is done by the company (CCP) by introducing new rules, mechanics and features.
For example the recent introduction of the 3D character portraits pleased the Socialisers greatly. The Sansha Incursions will favour the Achievers and some Explorers. etc..
Another example is the (in)famous Hulkagedon. The Miners (achievers) get griefed by the gankers (killers).

When CCP talks about "balancing" the game they must keep in mind that EVE Online must remain a Bartle's type 3 game:


3) A MUD where all groups have a similar influence (although not necessarily similar numbers).
By nurturing explorers using software means (ie. giving the game great depth or "mystique", or encouraging non-explorers to dabble for a while by regularly adding new areas and features), the overall population of explorers will gradually rise, and the killer population will be held in check by them.
The killers who remain do exert an influence on the number of socialisers, sufficient to stop them from going into fast-breeder mode, but insufficient to initiate an exodus.
Achievers are set upon by killers often enough to feel that their achievements in the game have meaning.
This is perhaps the most balanced form of MUD, since players can change their position on the interest graph far more freely:
achievers can become explorers, explorers can become socialisers, socialisers can become achievers - all without sacrificing stability.
However, actually attaining that stability in the first place is very difficult indeed; it requires not only a level of game design beyond what most MUDs can draw on, but time and player management skills that aren't usually available to MUD administrators.
Furthermore, the administrators need to recognise that they are aiming for a player mix of this kind in advance, because the chances of its occurring accidentally are slim.

This was already known in the early 1990's. But some 22 years earlier (Hardin 1968) the Texan ecologist was writing "The Tragedy of the Commons"

Garrett Hardin - The Tragedy of the Commons

The simplified situation based on medieval land tenure in Europe, of herders sharing a common parcel of land, on which they are each entitled to let their cows graze.
In Hardin's example, it is in each herder's interest to put the next (and succeeding) cows he acquires onto the land, even if the quality of the common is temporarily or permanently damaged for all as a result, through over grazing.
The herder receives all of the benefits from an additional cow, while the damage to the common is shared by the entire group.
If all herders make this individually rational economic decision, the common will be depleted or even destroyed to the detriment of all.

In EVE Online, the "Commons" can be the asteroid belts. Every new Hulk miner reduces the amount of ore available to all other miners. The Eve Commons are vast but with the increasing population (total number of accounts) a point will be reached when "The Tragedy of the Commons" will be felt.
And the Commons are not restricted to just Mineral resources. There are also other "Commons" to be found in Trade, Manufacture and even Pirating.

Let's imagine that EVE Online current 300,000+ population was to increase closer to the millions of accounts boasted by a mmo like Wow and assuming CCP has the technology to accomodate them on a single server... (the mind boggles)
There would be so many rookie pirates flying in squads of 100's of frigates. Travelling even in Hisec space would become almost certain suicide. But finding a prey would also become problematic for these huge numbers of pirates.
A Tragedy of the Commons.

Now the difference between EVE Online and Real Life Commons is that CCP can always add one more Blade in the server and add a few more Star Systems in the next expension. Therefore enlarging their Commons at will.

Hardin's First Law of Ecology, which states "You cannot do only one thing".

Garrett say hello to Richard.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Motley Crew - Before / After

Well... the dust settled after the last Patch. And I had some fun in the Photomatic Booth.

Our CEO - Segroeg Sugen had a new haircut and some brand new Clothes.

Knute Rocknee the Chief Miner. 
Onda Derthad the Founding Father of our Corporation.


Annabel Katt the Trading Mistress and Communication Officer.

Minou Delaplante latest arrival still in training.

Salina Maagry the Factory Manager


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have Fun - EVE Lotto

Do you want to have some Fun?

Then why not play the EVE Lotto ?

The Rules are simple. Get in contact with the Corporation Entertainment Officer: Annabel Katt 
(double check your spelling.. there are several other Annabel pilots around)

Then if you send Annabel Katt a certain amount of ISK Greater than the Daily Secret Number then you will Win Double your money. (That's ISK money not RL payments of course)

Now this Secret Number is calculated every day from the average amount received. ie. Total amount received divided by the number of payments. The lucky winner will receive his/her prize within 24 hours.

To make sure that your ticket is registered please EveMail Annabel Katt mentioning your Pilot name and amount deposited. This is because the Wallet Transactions Records in EVE is a bit difficult to sort and some transaction could be buried under my many trade orders.

Just a Tip: on an average day the winning amount would be more than 10,000 ISK and less than 80millions. Go figure.. Must be a lot of greedy players in EVE.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Corporation - Divisional Organisation

To prepare for the admission of new Pilots this is a tentative Divisional Organisation:

Division 7 - Newbie
Wallet: 500,000ISK

New pilots must be paid accounts but should join asap.
Must learn and agree to the Socialistic nature of the Corporation.
Tips and training, Evemon plans.
Reimbourse lost ships if insured. Send details to a Full Member.
Access to some basic equipment and Blueprints
Fleet help from other pilots.
Must return a quota to the corporation
Cash deposits but preferably in kind from salvage or mining.
Supply the restricted API
Monthly payment is at least as much as taxes paid in.
But new members should aim at reaching the next Division level asap.
A new member running the full Sisters Epic Arc while in Division 7 will qualify to Division 6

Division 6 - Junior Member

Wallet: 1,000,000ISK

As above plus..
Pilots who have proven dedication.
Have filled their quota for several weeks.
Will help training new members.
Will fleet with new members in their Timezone.
Have access to current as well as previous hangars and wallets.
Will request and refill hangars if needed.
Quota: 1M per day
Supply a Full API (for accounting purposes)

Division 5 - Full Member
Wallet: 5,000,000ISK

As Above plus..
Pilots able to fill a Role in the Corporation.
Junior Accounting, Hauling, Trading, Refining, Mining..
Full access to replacement ships and equipment.
Will organise special Opps
Will help junior members
Title: The 5th and Medal for chosen profession.
Quota: 5M per day

Division 4 - Senior Member
Wallet: 10,000,000ISK

As Above plus..
This is the Rank all newbies must aim for.
Pilots will gain official Title
Monthly PLEX
Quota 10M per day
Title: The 4th

Division 3 - Trusted Member
Wallet: Variable

As Above plus..
Leaders of Special Teams
Rent Offices in their area.
Monthly PLEX granted.
Given 1 share per dividend payment period.The issue of shares is a difficult one since they give voting rights and cannot be taken back even in the case of a player leaving EVE. Dividends paid would then disappear into CCP's bitbucket.
Title: The 3rd

Division 2 - Most Trusted Member

As Above plus..
Request Titles and Medals
Monthly PLEX
Given up to 100 shares
Title: The 2nd

Division 1 - The 1st
Target Wallet: 350,000,000ISK per accounts
(number of accounts not number of alts)
When target is met the excess trickle down to lower divisions.

The Corporation Managers.
Give Titles and Medals
The Funding Fathers and Mothers.
Keep the Majority of Shares. (51%)

The Corporation Daily Grind

Aahhh ! The Corporation ! What fun can it be...
There are a lot of Guides out there for just about anything you want. 
All about EVE Online Guides

From general Guides for new players about starting up, professions, skills, fitting ships, etc.. etc.. But I didn't find anything about running a Corporation.
Of course there are a couple of copies of a basic Corporation startup but that only deals with the necessary skills and maybe a tip or two about the various displays in-game.
Nothing about the way Divisions are used or how to accept new members without risking losing all the assets.

Having a Corporation on your own for the added convenience is fine. Sharing with a couple of very trusted friends might be OK as well IF you can really trust them not to take more than they put in. But how do you deal with having total strangers?
You need to figure out those things right from the start. It won't do if you find some design fault after inviting dozens of people. You know.. People don't like changes even if it's for the better of the community.

Our Corporation is based on a Socialist system. Very few are. Most Corporations around have low taxes. We charge the maximum 100% Tax. Everything the members earn goes to the Corporation. In return the Corporation pays for all expenses. Yes that includes the monthly PLEX and Offices rentals.
Democracy in a multiplayer game doesn't work well. By the time you ask and get approval from the involved people it is too late.
Read the excellent 2 part article in E-ON magazine issues #11 and #12 - One Alliance to Rule them All.

The Daily Grind (tm)

We start the day with the Manufacturer loggin to check any finished Blueprint runs. She then delivers the goods to the Corporation Hangar. The Manufacturer is based at the main Corporation headquarter or at a station with good facilities. She then take the stacks of minerals and starts a new Blueprint run taking the running costs out of the Corporation funds. Then puts the left over minerals back into the Corporation Hangar.
The CEO then loggin and checks mail notifications, new members applications, etc.. and sets any Corporation changes if needed.
If you have a Specialised Refiner then it's a good time to login and refine any stack of Ore in the Station.
The Trader then has to check all pending Deliveries because all trades are run using the Corporation funds. Any purchase done will appear in the Corporation Assets/Deliveries. Sales of course are credited directly to the Corporation wallet.
Then starting from the furthest station the Trader will Haul the goods back to Headquarters. This might require several trips.
The Trader also has to check all the pending Buy and Sell orders and adjust the prices if necessary. Look for places to buy cheap Blueprints and deliver them to the Manufacturer Hangar. Research new trade routes, etc..
And finally Haul the excess minerals and other gear to a trade centre near you.
If you don't have a trusted friend to run the Miner then you will have to start collecting the Ore yourself but it is quite possible to run the Miner on a second computer next to you. The Strip Miner lasers have a 3 minutes cycle so it is easy to pause what you are doing to click them.
When all of these tasks are done you can use one of your pilot to run some missions. Missions are a good earner and also give you an idea of the type of goods can be collected and recycled in your region. These are the type of goods the Trader should purchase as well.

Quite a busy day in EVE.