Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Setting up - The Miner

After the removal of the Learning Skills my carefully crafted plan took a beating. But I suppose the main idea is still the same. Let's see how we can further develop the Corporation.

Of course the Miner pilot is the last link in the Reversed Industrial chain.

Use an appropriate name and portrait because you might want to resell this pilot later on. (or not) but a good miner can fetch a nice return in the Character Bazaar.

This is a High maintenance character who needs a lot of training and equipment.

Use the "Hulk from Scratch" training plan. This was developed at Eve University prior to the Incursion patch so it still mentions the Training skills.

Use some implants if you can afford them at the start (Optional) 40 millions for +3 implants. Then train Cybernetics level 1 to install them. They will reduce the training time.

Hulk from Scratch requires 77 days 20 hours and 34 minutes and costs 39,785,000 ISK in Skill Books.
Not mentioning the cost of the Hulk itself but then you will have manufacturers and traders able to handle that by the time you can fly one.

You want to start mining as soon as possible with the available ships during training. This will take 42 days or 51 days without the implants and only costs 6 millions to fly a Covetor.

Of course your Manufacturer will be making those ships from the Corporation goods and the miner will start contributing to the stockpile of Ore.

The Hulk can deliver 181,920 units of Omber per Hour. At an average of 59 ISK per unit this Beast is capable of earning well over 10 millions an hour. Far more with the Above setup using value added. Ore > Minerals > Manufacture > Retail with at least a 20% profit at each stage you could expect 18 millions an hour.

At the current PLEX cost of 700 Millions ISK and since we need 2 PLEXs per month at least (for 2 accounts), ie. 1,400 millions it will take just about 78 hours per month to generate.

Happy Mining!

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